duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Cv Europass

Informaţii personale

Nume / Prenume
Radu Mihai-Robert
Nume stradă: Intrarea Patrarului, 663, Bucuresti, Romania
Mobil: 07--------



Data naşterii
2 Februarie 1997


Locul de muncă vizat / Domeniul ocupaţional

Experienţa profesională

Funcţia sau postul ocupat
Activităţi şi responsabilităţi principale
Numele şi adresa angajatorului
Statul roman
Tipul activităţii sau sectorul de activitate

Educaţie şi formare

Calificarea / diploma obţinută

Disciplinele principale studiate / competenţe profesionale dobândite

Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ / furnizorului de formare

Nivelul în clasificarea naţională sau internaţională
(rubrică facultativă, vezi instrucţiunile)

Aptitudini şi competenţe personale

Limba(i) maternă(e)

Limba(i) străină(e) cunoscută(e)
Engleza , Franceza, Germana

Nivel european (*)

Participare la conversaţie
Discurs oral
Exprimare scrisă




My Favourite Book

      My favourite book is "A Christmas Caroll".  Mr. Scrooge was an old man who had no friends.
He was very rich and he never smiled. He didn’t believe
in Christmas and he said :“Christmas is a nonsense!”
    On a Christmas Eve , a ghost visited Scrooge; the ghost was Marley’s ghost-Marley was Scrooge‘s  friend.The ghost told him about The Ghost of Christmas Past , The Ghost of Christmas Present and The Ghost of Christmas Yet to come.
     The last ghost showed the man his future.
     The Spirit takes him to a churchyard and shows him a grave with his own name on it. Scrooge falls to his knees and begs for the chance to change, and when he grabs the Spirit's hand his cloak collapses into a pile of bed linen.
    On Christmas Day , Scrooge was happy ; he smiled and said:“Merry Christmas to everybody in the world! “
    He made friends and helped them with money.

My Favourite Film

My favouriite film is "Home alone", it's an amazing comedy movie about a boy which parents fotgot to take him in their christmas holiday in France. Some robbers tryed to rob the house which he was living, but amazingly the boy succed to keep them outside . In the end his family comes back while the robbers are picked up by the police.
I love this movie and I can watch it hundred of times.

My Best Holiday Ever

  An year ago I was on a trip in Bucegi mountines.There I have vesitated the faboluous Sfincs,  Peștera Pustnicului,and  i met amazing people .
  I stayed there one week , when I got home I was amazed by the fact I  don't have that amazing landscape in Bucharest  . The trip was wonderful , but I had akes on my legs, because I hadn't walk a distance like that in just one day in my life. 
 I hope I'll come back in one day and see what changes appeared since I left.
  It was great.\m/

duminică, 27 noiembrie 2011

My Favourite Pastime

My favourite pastime are playing guitar and talking with friends.
Playing guitar makes me feel relieved of any stress and makes me forget about problems plus the sound of this formidable instrument is dulcet.
In my opinion talking with my friends is a better wqy of spending the evenings than playing on the computer games.

luni, 31 octombrie 2011

Let me introduce myself

    Hi I'm Mihai and this is my first article. I'm 14 years old and I love playing the guitar. I'm tall , I have big brown eyes and i love making new friends.
    I'm a normal guy, but I have a big dream, I want to become a part of a band as a guitarist.I don't know how I'll set up a band ,  but my grandfather always tells me that life is a journey and things just happen. I hope this will happen some day.
    I love biking as much as I like playing guitar with my friends.My biggest journey on a bike was from my house which is situated in Bucuresti to my grand parent's house which is situated in a small village called Buda .A 175km journey which left me incredible memories but also a pain in my legs.
   I hope you like my article.I'm waiting for comments.